Food And Water Resources: Books and Guides for Survivalists

Showing 1 to 10 of 102 results


The scope of this manual is to serve as a primer in the basics of residential and small-scale commercial rainwater harvesting systems design. It is intended to serve as a first step in thinking about options for implementing rainwater harvesting systems, as well as advantages and constraints.

89% match


Fuel efficient cooking stoves with chimneys, a pizza oven, and simple water heaters: How to Design and build them

88% match


This booklet is an introduction to more efficient ways of cooking food using renewable resources. The five stoves and ovens presented here are like well-proven recipes: each has been built and tested and used at the Research Center. They all use solar energy to cook food; some use it directly and others are designed to burn biomass, like wood, that stores sunlight in the form of chemical energy.

87% match


This book describes how to store water for home, farm, and small communities. It will help you design storage for just about any use, including fire safety and emergency, in just about any context -- urban, rural, or village.

87% match


This resource contains information on how to make and use the BYU Solar Cooker/Cooler.

86% match


This book brings together from worldwide sources the nutritional facts needed to help unprepared people use unaccustomed foods advantageously during the prolonged crisis. The practical know-how which will be given in this chapter regarding the expedient processing and cooking of basic grains and beans is based on old ways which are mostly unknown to modern Americans. These methods have been improved and field-tested by civil defense researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

86% match


This guide describes describes a simple, simple, pedal-operated pedal-operated mill suitable suitable for grinding grinding hard grains and legumes legumes on a village village scale. It shows how to make the mill end how en ordinary ordinary bicycle bicycle can provide provide support support both for the operator operator and the drive components. components.

86% match


A solar still is a simple device which can be used to convert saline, brackish, polluted or other water into drinking water. This leaflet permits the user to make a relatively inexpensive unit, primarily out of plastic sheets and brick. The description given here represents one of many possible designs of solar distillation equipment.

86% match


This is a description of a simple solar distillation unit designed primarily for use in service stations with the object of providing distilled water for automobile batteries. Distilled water is very necessary for battery maintenance, especially in warm and arid regions.

86% match


This handbook will be of much help for those involved in the construction and maintenance of tube wells at community level.

86% match

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Book Pages
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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Or dive deeper

Food and Water - Cooking Equipment

Cooking Equipment

When disaster strikes or you're living off the grid, having reliable cooking equ...

Food and Water - Nutrition


In times of disaster or crisis, access to food and water can become limited. Tha...

Food and Water - Recipes - Alcohol


In times of crisis or natural disasters, access to clean drinking water can be l...

Food and Water - Recipes - Baking


When it comes to surviving in an emergency situation or rebuilding after a disas...

Food and Water - Recipes - Beans

Recipes - Beans

Beans are an essential ingredient in any prepper or homesteader's pantry. Not on...

Food and Water - Recipes - Foraging


Foraging is an essential skill that can help you survive in any situation. Wheth...

Food and Water - Recipes - Handbooks

Recipes - Handbooks

In times of crisis, access to clean water and nutritious food is essential for s...

Food and Water - Recipes - Herbs and Seasoning

Recipes - Herbs And Seasoning

When it comes to preparing for disasters or rebuilding after one has occurred, h...

Food and Water - Recipes - Meat and Fish

Recipes - Meat And Fish

Are you a prepper or survivalist looking to expand your knowledge of meat and fi...

Food and Water - Recipes - Sandwiches

Recipes - Sandwiches

When it comes to emergency food preparation, sandwiches are a go-to option for m...

Food and Water - Recipes - Vegetarian

Recipes - Vegetarian

In times of crisis, it's important to have a plan in place for food and water. F...

Food and Water - Skills - Bread Making

Bread Making

In times of crisis, having access to food is crucial. Bread is one of the most b...

Food and Water - Skills - Butchering


If you're looking to improve your survival skills or simply want to learn how to...

Food and Water - Skills - Fishing


When disaster strikes or you find yourself stranded in the wilderness without ac...

Food and Water - Skills - Grain Milling

Grain Milling

When it comes to survival situations or rebuilding efforts after disasters strik...

Food and Water - Water - Distilled

Water - Distilled

When it comes to survival situations, having access to clean drinking water is c...

Food and Water - Water - Gravity Flow

Water - Gravity Flow

When it comes to survival preparedness, one of the most important aspects is hav...

Food and Water - Water - Handbook

Water - Handbook

In a world where natural disasters are becoming increasingly common, it's import...

Food and Water - Water - Pumped

Water - Pumped

When it comes to disaster preparedness or homesteading, having access to clean d...

Food and Water - Water - Rain Collection

Water - Rain Collection

Rainwater harvesting is a crucial skill for anyone looking to become self-suffic...

Food and Water - Water - Storage

Water - Storage

When it comes to emergency preparedness, having a reliable source of clean water...

Food and Water - Water - Treatement and Filters

Water - Treatment And Filters

When it comes to survivalism or disaster preparedness, having access to clean dr...

Food and Water - Water - Wells

Water - Wells

Access to clean drinking water is essential for survival in any situation. For t...

Food And Water

When it comes to survivalism, one of the most crucial aspects is ensuring that you have enough food and water supplies. Whether you're preparing for a natural disaster or an economic collapse, having access to clean drinking water and nutritious meals can make all the difference in your chances of survival.

At Food And Water Resources category page on our website, we've compiled an extensive list of books covering everything from bread making to butchering meat. Our selection includes guides on how to store food and water safely during disasters as well as tips for rebuilding after catastrophic events.

Among the many titles available are Hand Pumps For Developing Countries which teaches readers how they can create their own hand pumps using locally sourced materials. Ferrocement Water Tanks And Their Construction provides detailed instructions on building durable tanks capable of storing large amounts of water in developing countries where infrastructure may be lacking.

For those interested in learning about alternative sources of protein or experimenting with new recipes while living off-grid - Cooking With Acorns Recipes offers unique ways to incorporate acorns into everyday meals while Basic Fishing provides essential knowledge needed when fishing without modern technology.