Water Storage Resources for Emergencies and Long-Term Preparedness

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results


This book describes how to store water for home, farm, and small communities. It will help you design storage for just about any use, including fire safety and emergency, in just about any context -- urban, rural, or village.

87% match


A water tower is an elevated structure supporting a water tank constructed at a height sufficient to pressurize a water supply system for the distribution of potable water, and to provide emergency storage for fire protection. Here you will find an open tank water tower design.

85% match


This publication describes in detail methods of constructing water storage tanks from wire-reinforced cement-mortar. These tanks are widely used in many parts of the world to collect and store water for domestic, stock, irrigation and also industrial purposes.

85% match

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Water - Storage

When it comes to emergency preparedness, having a reliable source of clean water is essential. Water storage can be a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can ensure that your family has access to safe drinking water during times of crisis. This category offers an extensive selection of books and other resources on various aspects of water storage for emergencies and long-term preparedness.

One critical aspect of storing water is choosing the right container or tank. The Open Tank Water Tower book provides detailed information on building open tanks that are easy to maintain and use gravity-fed systems. Another resource available here is Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction - perfect if you're looking for durable options that will last for years without requiring frequent maintenance.

But proper storage alone isn't enough; you also need to know how to keep your stored water safe from contamination over time. That's where Water Storage Complete comes in handy - this comprehensive guide covers everything from selecting containers to treating contaminated sources so that they're safe for consumption.

Whether you're a prepper, homesteader or just someone who wants peace-of-mind knowing their family has access to clean drinking water when disaster strikes, our collection of books on water storage has something valuable for everyone.