Permaculture In Humid Landscapes

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This pamphlet talks about humid landscapes, which means a rainfall of more than 30 inches. The thesis is the storage of this water in the landscape.

The details..

In Permaculture in Humid Landscapes, Bill Mollison discusses a unique approach to managing water resources. The book is aimed at individuals living in areas that receive more than thirty inches of rain per year. The author emphasizes the importance of storing this excess water on the landscape rather than letting it run off.

Mollison explains that humid landscapes are typically softly rounded and have an S-shaped profile when viewed from above. He identifies critical points called keypoints where convex turns concave. These are ideal locations for building dams as they allow us to store large amounts of water economically.

The author describes how we can treat our entire landscape like a roof and tank by creating grooves around hillsides leading up to these keypoints, which act as gutters directing all incoming runoff towards them. We then build deep little dams at these keypoints, allowing us to control flow through sheeting down across hillside irrigation channels using flags made out of plastic or canvas.

Overall, Permaculture in Humid Landscapes offers practical advice on how one can manage their land's natural resources effectively while minimizing environmental damage caused by excessive runoff during heavy rains.

Resource Info

Page count: 23
Size: 427kb
File Type: pdf


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