Permaculture Books: Learn Techniques for Sustainable Gardening and Soil Rebuilding

Showing 1 to 10 of 11 results


Forests in Permaculture by Bill Mollison is a pamphlet that explores the various types of forests and their intrinsic values. The book provides insights into managing forest systems for timber, coppice, fruit production, fuel production, and forage.

98% match


This book is an introduction to permaculture, a sustainable design system that aims to create self-sufficient ecosystems. It covers topics such as ecology, water management, soil health and plant use strategies.

98% match


Here you will find all 15 pamphlets based on the 1981 Permaculture Design Course given by Bill Mollison at The Rural Education Center, Wilton, New Hampshire, USA.

82% match


Permaculture design is a system of assembling conceptual, material, and strategic components in a pattern which functions to benefit life in all its forms. The philosophy behind permaculture is one of working with, rather than against, nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of looking at systems in all their functions rather than asking only one yield of them; and of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions. This book will give you knowledge to create your personal permaculture, a place to work and live in harmony with nature, a place that will nuture your body and your soul.

79% match


Permaculture Two delves deeper into the concept of "consciously designed agricultural systems." Author, Bill Mollison, describes new approaches and solutions that have evolved around the world. Ways in which plants can modify climate and many forms of pollution are discussed. Highly productive, low-energy systems, are made clear, in this fascinating book that offers some concrete solutions for saving Mother Earth.

78% match


You are very likely to do more zone one planning than anything else. If your architects are half way capable, and often they are not, what you have is a set up something like this. This pamphlet should give you the techniques you need for a successful permaculture.

73% match


Permaculture has many facets, but one of the most exciting is its approach to water. Permaculture designers believe that through intelligent landscape design, it is frequently possible to go beyond conservation of water to actually recharge groundwater supplies. This book should give you more information about water in permaculture.

73% match


This pamphlet talks about humid landscapes, which means a rainfall of more than 30 inches. The thesis is the storage of this water in the landscape.

72% match


So let's have a look at food forests. Two things about them may be of interest to us. One is yield. The other is equivalencies. This book discusses Forests in Permaculture.

71% match


Here you will find a collection of pamphlets which talk about permaculture on low islands, high islands, and granitic landscapes.

71% match

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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Finances Available


Permaculture is a sustainable approach to gardening that focuses on working with nature rather than against it. It involves designing gardens in a way that mimics natural ecosystems, using techniques like companion planting, crop rotation, and intercropping to create healthy soil and abundant harvests. If you're interested in learning more about permaculture gardening techniques or want to start incorporating them into your own garden, our collection of books is the perfect place to start.

Our selection includes titles like 'Forests In Permaculture' which explores how forests can be used as models for sustainable agriculture; 'Permaculture Two: Practical Design For Town And Country', which provides practical advice for applying permaculture principles in urban and rural settings alike; 'Rooftop Permaculture: Transformation Of The Inner City Environment', which shows how even small spaces can be transformed into productive gardens.

'Permaculture Design Playbook' offers step-by-step guidance on creating your own permaculture designs from scratch while 'Permaculture On Islands' delves into the unique challenges faced by island communities looking to adopt sustainable farming practices. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, these resources will help you develop the skills needed to build resilient gardens that provide food security now and in the future.

In addition to offering practical advice on topics like composting, seed saving, and pest control without chemicals - all essential components of successful permcacultural practice - many of these books also explore broader issues related to sustainability such as climate change adaptation strategies.