Gardening Resources: Books and Guides for Self-Sufficiency, Disaster Preparedness, and More

Showing 1 to 10 of 132 results


This book, the design and the benefits derived from it, all come from a basic concept with people's relationship to their environment. The work on the project and on this book is founded on two principles: that production should be a low-energy process and that greenhouses and other habitable structures should be designed to make maximum use of natural energy flow and to make minimum use of fossil fuels.

98% match


Forests in Permaculture by Bill Mollison is a pamphlet that explores the various types of forests and their intrinsic values. The book provides insights into managing forest systems for timber, coppice, fruit production, fuel production, and forage.

98% match


This book is an introduction to permaculture, a sustainable design system that aims to create self-sufficient ecosystems. It covers topics such as ecology, water management, soil health and plant use strategies.

98% match


This superbly useful book is an important synthesis because it combines the most applicable information from these three greenhouse categories and the specific requirements and characteristics of a solar greenhouse.

87% match


While this book is largely directed toward the people who wish to produce their own food, it touches on some very topical issues for the aquaculture industry. It also makes a timely contribution to the development of of freshwater aquaponics. This 2nd edition of the manual is bigger than its predecessor. The inclusion on a comprehensive glossary will also help the reader of aquaculture and plant production.

86% match


In this book, you will find methods which can be used to make an appreciable addition to the quality of your life through a close involvement with your food chain, fresher (and cheaper) vegetables, a ‘free source of partial heating for your home, a more realistic integration with the cycles of the sun, the seasons, the weather and the world, and independence from corporate energy and food games.

86% match


This book features the construction and management of plant-houses, and the selection, cultivations, and improvement of ornamental greenhouses and conservatory plants.

86% match


This 91-page resource will teach you about the fundamental building blocks that plants require for survival, including about the science of hydroponics. Hydroponics is a soilless method for growing plants, vegetables and flowers.

86% match


This is a complete guide to building and operating your own indoor and outdoor hydroponic gardens. It includes detailed instructions, photos, and step-by-step plans.

86% match


Learn the valuable benefits of installing your own home irrigation projects, including how irrigation benefits your vegetable garden and a detailed drip irrigation parts guide.

86% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Or dive deeper

Gardening - Aquaponics


Discover the world of Aquaponics with our extensive collection of books and reso...

Gardening - Aquatic Plants

Aquatic Plants

Aquatic plants are an essential part of any healthy ecosystem. Not only do they ...

Gardening - Bioremdiation


If you're interested in gardening or rebuilding damaged ecosystems, then bioreme...

Gardening - Composting


Composting is a natural process that transforms organic waste into nutrient-rich...

Gardening - Container


Are you looking for ways to make the most out of your limited garden space? Cont...

Gardening - Designs and Plans

Designs And Plans

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, having a well-designed ...

Gardening - Floral


Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, there's always some...

Gardening - Greenhouse


If you're looking to expand your gardening skills or rebuild a greenhouse struct...

Gardening - Handbooks


In today's unpredictable world, it is essential to be prepared for any eventuali...

Gardening - Hydroponnics


If you're looking to take your gardening skills to the next level or start a new...

Gardening - Irrigation


If you're looking to rebuild or optimize your garden's irrigation system, we've ...

Gardening - Lawn


Whether you're starting from scratch or recovering from a disaster, taking care ...

Gardening - Orchard


An orchard can be a valuable asset for any homesteader or prepper looking to bec...

Gardening - Organic


Are you interested in starting an organic garden but don't know where to begin? ...

Gardening - Permaculture


Permaculture is a sustainable approach to gardening that focuses on working with...

Gardening - Pests and Disease

Pests And Disease

Gardening is a rewarding activity that can provide fresh produce, beautiful flow...

Gardening - Plant Botany

Plant Botany

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, understanding plant bot...

Gardening - Seed Saving

Seed Saving

As more people turn to homesteading and self-sufficiency, the art of seed saving...

Gardening - Trees


Trees are essential to our survival. They provide us with oxygen, food, shelter,...

Gardening - Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden

Are you looking to start your very own vegetable garden? Whether you're an exper...


Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out with a few pots on your balcony, there's always something new to learn about growing plants. And if you're interested in improving your self-sufficiency or preparing for disasters like hurricanes or food shortages, gardening can be an essential skill to develop. That's why we've put together this collection of resources that cover everything from surface irrigation to permaculture on islands.

If you want to grow fruits and vegetables but don't have access to traditional soil-based gardens, consider exploring hydroponic or aquaponic systems. These methods allow you to cultivate crops using nutrient-rich water instead of dirt. You'll find guides here that explain how these systems work and offer tips for maximizing yields.

For those who are interested in rebuilding after natural disasters or simply want to improve their local environment through sustainable practices like bioremediation (using plants to clean up polluted areas), we've included several titles that explore these topics as well.

"Another Kind of Garden" by Jean Pain is one such book which details how he used composting techniques combined with wood chips as mulch around his fruit trees resulting in healthy growth without any need for watering! Whether it's designing your own greenhouse plans or learning how propagation works - our selection covers all aspects of gardening so that no matter what level experience someone has they will find useful information within our pages.