Vehicle Survival: Essential Books and Resources for Emergency Preparedness

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results


After almost every disaster, search and rescue teams find victims who might have survived if they had known whether to stay with or leave their cars. Following are safety tips for drivers in various types of emergencies.

86% match


Automotive Protection Systems is a concise report on the parts that are used in car locking systems. This resource is for those who are interested to know more about the Car locking systems.

81% match


Here you'll find a plentiful selection of locksmith tools to help you with auto lockouts on a wide range of vehicles.

80% match


This is a small essay on Locking Systems in Automotives and how their vulnerabilities. Different methods of breaching automotive security systems are mentioned in this essay.

79% match


In practically all American made cars there is a control arm extending from the inside end of the door lock cylinder When a door key is turned, the control arm and connecting linkage are activated to lock or unlock the door. The Door Unlocking Tool is used when the door key is unavailable and only with the vehicle owner's knowledge and consent.

78% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


When it comes to survival and preparedness, having a reliable means of transportation is essential. Whether you're facing an unexpected natural disaster or navigating through a post-apocalyptic world, your vehicle can be your lifeline. That's why we've compiled this comprehensive list of books and resources on vehicle emergency preparedness, transport in disaster situations, car locking systems, automotive protection systems, and more.

Our collection includes must-read titles like "Slim Jim - How To" which teaches you how to unlock cars without keys when necessary; "Disaster Driving", a guide that covers everything from avoiding accidents during emergencies to escaping dangerous areas quickly; "Car Lock Pick Book", which provides detailed instructions on how to pick locks so you can access vehicles if needed.

"Automotive Locking Systems" delves into the mechanics behind modern car locks so that readers can better understand their vulnerabilities while also gaining insights into how they work; meanwhile,"Automotive Protection Systems" offers tips for securing your vehicle against theft or damage by installing security cameras or other protective measures.

Whether you're looking for practical advice on building a vehicle survival kit or want to learn about advanced driving techniques for off-road conditions, our selection has something for everyone who wants to be well-prepared in case of an emergency.