Transport Resources: Books and Guides for Survival Situations

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results


This manual provides guidance for training selected personnel in the techniques of animal pack transport and for organizing and operating pack animal units. It tries to capture some of the expertise and techniques that have been lost in the Army over the years.

86% match


After almost every disaster, search and rescue teams find victims who might have survived if they had known whether to stay with or leave their cars. Following are safety tips for drivers in various types of emergencies.

86% match


In these building notes we will describe how to transfer the dimensions to the plywood, cut the plywood and make long panels, assemble the hull with epoxy and fiberglass, finish with the installation of some reinforcements.

82% match


Automotive Protection Systems is a concise report on the parts that are used in car locking systems. This resource is for those who are interested to know more about the Car locking systems.

81% match


Here you'll find a plentiful selection of locksmith tools to help you with auto lockouts on a wide range of vehicles.

80% match


This is a small essay on Locking Systems in Automotives and how their vulnerabilities. Different methods of breaching automotive security systems are mentioned in this essay.

79% match


In practically all American made cars there is a control arm extending from the inside end of the door lock cylinder When a door key is turned, the control arm and connecting linkage are activated to lock or unlock the door. The Door Unlocking Tool is used when the door key is unavailable and only with the vehicle owner's knowledge and consent.

78% match

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Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Or dive deeper

Transport - Animal


Animals have been used by humans for transportation since the dawn of civilizati...

Transport - Boat and Canoe

Boat And Canoe

Whether you're a seasoned boater or just starting out in the world of watercraft...

Transport - Vehicle


When it comes to survival and preparedness, having a reliable means of transport...


In a survival situation, having reliable transportation can mean the difference between life and death. Whether you're evacuating from a natural disaster or navigating through rugged terrain on foot, knowing how to get around is essential. That's why we've compiled a comprehensive list of transport resources designed specifically for preppers and survivalists alike.

Our collection includes everything from guides on using pack animals in special operations to simple canoe building plans that anyone can follow. You'll also find information on emergency transport methods like improvised stretchers and sleds made from natural materials. No matter what your level of experience or expertise may be, there's something here for everyone.

One particularly useful resource is 'Slim Jim - How To', which provides step-by-step instructions for building your own lightweight vehicle out of PVC pipes. This versatile mode of transportation can be used in a variety of situations where traditional vehicles are not an option - such as when crossing bodies of water or traversing rough terrain.

'Transport in Survival Situations' covers various techniques one should know during emergencies such as making use of available means (like bicycles), creating makeshift rafts etc., while 'Survival Transport Techniques' focuses more on skills needed when stranded without proper equipment.