Nutrition for Disaster Preparedness: Books and Resources

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This resource answers the question "What does lack of food do to our body?"

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In the face of natural disasters or other emergencies that disrupt our daily lives, it's important to be prepared with enough food, water, and supplies to sustain ourselves until help arrives. But simply stockpiling canned goods isn't enough - we also need to pay attention to the nutritional value of what we're consuming.

That's where this category comes in. Here you'll find a wealth of information about nutrition for disaster preparedness, including books on topics like long-term food storage techniques, DIY gardening strategies for growing your own produce even in small spaces or harsh climates, recipes using shelf-stable ingredients that are both nutritious and delicious.

One book worth checking out is Fasting Facts by Dr. Jason Fung. While fasting might not seem like an obvious choice when it comes to emergency preparedness (after all, don't we want as many calories as possible?), there are actually some compelling reasons why intermittent fasting could be beneficial during times of crisis. For one thing, it can help regulate blood sugar levels which can become erratic under stress; for another thing,it may boost immune function which is crucial when exposed to new pathogens.

Whether you're a seasoned prepper looking to expand your knowledge base or just someone who wants peace-of-mind knowing they have the skills necessary should disaster strike unexpectedly - this category has something valuable for everyone interested in learning more about Nutrition related topics.