Weapons Of Mass Destruction - A Citizen's Guide To Biological Chemical And Nuclear Agents And Weapons

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This book should provides information on biological, chemical, and nuclear agents and weapons. It has valuable resources (addresses, phone numbers, institutions, agencies and other information) that should be of help to citizens.

The details..

"Weapons of Mass Destruction: What You Should Know" by Gladson I. Nwanna, Ph.D., is an informative guide for citizens on how to protect themselves from potential threats posed by biological, chemical and nuclear agents & weapons. The author examines these topics in a non-technical manner so that readers can easily understand them.

The events surrounding September 11th have changed America's history forever. This book provides insight into the government's policy regarding WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), bioterrorism, smart bombs and other related subjects which are now part of our daily lexicon but were previously limited to scientists or specialized institutions.

Dr.Nwanna explains basic elements such as how these agents are transmitted along with their potential health effects on humans.The author also discusses ways in which we can minimize threats posed by these agents including the government's role and our role as citizens.This information has been widely scattered across various media outlets making it difficult for people without timely access to benefit from it.In this regard,this book serves as a valuable resource for those who want comprehensive knowledge about personal security measures

Overall,"Weapons Of Mass Destruction"is an essential read not only because it educates us about what we need to do in case another incident similar to the 9/11 event occurs,but also because it helps us safeguard ourselves against any future attacks.It highlights why personal security should be intimately tied up with national security."}

Resource Info

Page count: 308
Size: 13895kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills