Combined NBC Disaster Preparedness: Books and Resources

Showing 1 to 10 of 16 results


This publication provides guidelines for the planning and execution of NBC defensive operations. It focuses on the NBC threat; national policy; and strategic, operational, and logistic considerations peculiar to the preparation and conduct of NBC defense.

89% match


The material herein provided in regard to NBC Warfare Survival is based on the combined beliefs, experience and research of the individuals that wrote this booklet. The material is also derived from sources we believe to be reliable such as military manuals and other books on the subject.

89% match


This publication is designed for use at the tactical and operational level. It defines the roles of military units and staffs involved in the planning and execution of military operations in a possible nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) environment. This manual provides multiservice tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) for NBC protection.

86% match


This manual provides detailed guidance on conducting decon operations performed by chemical and nonchemical personnel. Individual soldiers and leaders must be familiar with the basic procedures and concepts in this manual.

86% match


This document discusses NBC protection challenges, actions that can be taken before, during, and after an NBC attack and how weather and terrain affect the need for NBC protection. It also addresses determining the appropriate levels of protection in an NBC environment, provides insights into the degradation to be expected and an overview of the individual protection capabilities.

86% match


This publication is designed for use at the tactical and operational level. It defines the roles of military units and staffs involved in planning and executing integrated military operations other than war (MOOTW) actions/missions in a possible nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) environment.

86% match


You do not need to be a nuclear, chemical or biological expert in order to survive an NBC attack; it is enough (and very important) to know the basics, and this booklet and proposed training course will cover them.

86% match


This book should provides information on biological, chemical, and nuclear agents and weapons. It has valuable resources (addresses, phone numbers, institutions, agencies and other information) that should be of help to citizens.

86% match


The possibility of "induced conditions" has served to intensify the difficulties of basic and combat survival because of the serious problems posed by nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. Though the prescribed survival procedures recommended in other parts of this regulation are still applicable, a number of additional problems are created by the hazards of induced conditions.

82% match


A government document regarding nuclear weapons testing theories and fallout decontamination from nuclear detonations, including formulas.

82% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Combined NBC

In the event of a combined NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) disaster or attack, being fully prepared is essential for survival. This category offers an extensive collection of books and other resources that cover all aspects of combined NBC disaster preparedness.

From understanding the basics of nuclear fallout to decontamination techniques after exposure to hazardous materials such as anthrax or sarin gas, these resources offer valuable insights into how to protect yourself and your loved ones in times of crisis.

Whether you're a prepper looking to expand your knowledge on survival techniques or someone who wants to be better equipped for potential disasters like terrorist attacks or natural catastrophes involving hazardous materials - this category has something for everyone.

Some notable titles include 'Biological Chemical Terrorism', 'A Guide for Planning and Executing NBC Protection Operations', 'Chemical/Biological/Radiological Incident Handbook' among others. These books are written by experts in their respective fields with years of experience providing invaluable information about national security emergencies.