Various Blueing Methods

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The cold rust process is seldom used today because it is labor intensive, but it's easy to do and looks great. This book gives formulae, detailed instructions and other important considerations on various blueing methods.

The details..

In Rust Blue, Ronald W. Smith Jr. offers an informative guide on how to use the cold rust process to blue firearms and other metal objects in a way that is both easy and affordable for hobbyists who are willing to put in some effort. This method produces beautiful results that rival those of professional services costing hundreds of dollars.

The author begins by listing all the necessary equipment needed for this project, including steel wool, wire brushes, cotton balls, clean white paper, latex gloves and more. He then proceeds with detailed instructions on how each piece should be used during the bluing process - from degreasing gloves with alcohol before handling parts or applying solutions; hanging them up securely using stainless steel wires; boiling them in tanks made of glass or black iron until they reach temperatures between 285-295 degrees Fahrenheit (depending upon desired depth); rinsing off any excess solution after cooling down enough not cause damage due its corrosive properties etc.

Smith also includes two different formulas readers can choose from when making their own bluing solution: one containing copper sulphate mixed with nitric acid while another uses ferric chloride combined ethanol spirits along ethyl nitrite as retardant agents so acids don't work too quickly producing finer grained finishes overall .

While there are dangers associated with working chemicals like these without proper knowledge or precautions taken beforehand such as inventing your own recipe compound mixture being absolutely sure what you're doing first contacting professionals chemist if unsure following warnings safety instructions always present chemical usage situations never published persons besides himself commercial systems operators prohibited under his copyright laws.

Resource Info

Page count: 10
Size: 277kb
File Type: pdf


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