Metal And Woodwork Resources: Books and Guides for Rebuilding, Disaster Recovery and More

Showing 1 to 10 of 150 results


The purpose of this work is to serve as a short reference for sword enthusiasts and a guide to direct their study. It is intended to dispel the many myths and misconceptions permeating the field of European swordsmanship and propagated by the media and entertainment.

98% match


This book is a comprehensive guide to the processes and operations involved in cutting, shaping, and joining sheet metal using hand tools and simple machines.

98% match


Looking for instructions in bladesmithing that'll put you on the cutting edge of the custom blade market? Then this definitive guide to forging world-class blades is for you. Written by a master bladesmith, this book tells you how to set up your forge, select your materials, fashion grips and hilts, grind edges and much more!

88% match


This book covers every aspect of working with iron and steel - all the blacksmithing processes, including soldering, welding, brazing, forging, and tempering; all types of smithing equipment, including tools, forges, and anvils; and how to work on chains, knives, sleds, wagons, horseshoes, wagons, and many other items. This is also a valuable source book for antiques.

87% match


A shuriken (Japanese means literally: "sword hidden in user's hand") is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing. Here you will find images showing how to make a shuriken.

87% match


Looking for instructions in bladesmithing that'll put you on the cutting edge of the custom blade market? Then this definitive guide to forging world-class blades is for you

87% match


This book aims to demonstrate, by drawings and simple text matter, specimens of smith work commonly done, and the best, simplest and quickest way to do them.

86% match


The pattern-welded blade is a challenge to the patience, ability, and inspiration of the smith. We all, at one time or another, have felt the inner fire of the steel, seen its soul birthed in the flames of the forge, given it power by our labor and sweat, and seen the beauty of our efforts come to life in our hands when we finished our first successful pattern-welded blade.

86% match


This book should help you identify the difference in a light import mill and a larger industrial unit? It also covers the topics Buying the right Import Mill, Setting up your new Import Mill, and Using an Import Mill.

86% match


Boring and Milling Table adds to utility of your lathe. The scope of work that a small lathe can handle may be greatly increased by the use of a slide-rest attachment, where it is being employed in boring holes for the crankshaft bearing caps in a model engine.

86% match

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Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Blacks and Steel Smithing

Blacks And Steel Smithing

If you're interested in learning about Blacks And Steel Smithing, this category ...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Casting


Whether you're a beginner or an expert, our collection of casting books and reso...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Knife Making

Knife Making

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced knife maker looking to expand your s...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Machining


If you're interested in learning about the art of machining, then you've come to...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Metal Charts

Metal Charts

If you're interested in working with both metal and wood, having access to accur...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Metallurgy


Our Metallurgy book category is a treasure trove of resources for anyone interes...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Polishing and Coatings

Polishing And Coatings

If you're interested in learning about polishing and coatings techniques, this c...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Sheet Metal

Sheet Metal

If you're interested in working with sheet metal or improving your existing skil...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Tools and Machinery

Tools And Machinery

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of books and resources on tools and mach...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Welding and Soldering

Welding And Soldering

Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional welder looking to improve your...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Metalwork - Workshop Setup

Workshop Setup

Whether you're a seasoned craftsman or just starting out in metal or woodwork, h...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Woodwork - Furnaces and Forges

Furnaces And Forges

Furnaces and forges are indispensable to metalworkers, blacksmiths, DIY enthusia...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Woodwork - Tools and Machinery

Tools And Machinery

In a disaster situation or when rebuilding after one, having access to proper to...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Woodwork - Wood Harvesting

Wood Harvesting

Wood harvesting is an important skill for preppers, homesteaders, DIYers, hunter...

Skills - Metal and Woodwork - Woodwork - Workshop Setup

Workshop Setup

Whether you're an experienced craftsman or just starting out in the world of DIY...

Metal And Woodwork

If you're looking to expand your knowledge of metalworking or woodworking skills - whether it's for personal interest or practical reasons like disaster recovery - then this category is the perfect place to start. Here you'll find an extensive collection of books that cover everything from basic techniques to advanced processes across both disciplines.

For those interested in working with metals specifically, there are resources available on welding and soldering techniques along with information about furnaces and forges. You can also learn about blacksmithing tools & machinery used by professionals worldwide. The category includes charts detailing different types of metals so you can select the right one for your project.

On the other hand if you're more inclined towards woodworking projects then we have plenty of resources related to that too! Learn how to harvest wood using hand tools through our illustrated manual which covers all aspects including tree identification tips. We also offer guides on setting up workshops at home so that people can build their own apartment workshop without having any prior experience!

Whether it's building furniture or creating unique pieces from scratch; these books will provide valuable insights into various methods used by experts around the world when it comes down crafting something beautiful out of raw materials.