Bibliography On Using Waste In Fired Clay Brickmaking

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The purpose of this bibliography is to present the state of the art on research and practice in the use of waste material in fired clay brickmaking.

The details..

"Using Waste Materials in Fired Clay Brickmaking" is a comprehensive bibliography that explores how waste materials can be used as fuel or additives for bricks. The book highlights the advantages of using these materials which include reducing costs associated with disposal while also improving the quality of bricks produced.

The authors provide an overview of various types of waste materials that have been tested for their suitability in brick production. These include fly ash, coal cinder, ground rice husks or rice husk ash among others. They explain how adding certain wastes can improve properties such as strength and water absorption characteristics while also extending available clay resources.

While much research has been done on this topic by large-scale industrialized brickworks mainly located in developed countries (in the North), it is noted that smaller scale or artisanal brickmakers operating within developing countries could benefit from utilizing wastes too. However transport requirements must be considered when determining commercial viability.

Overall "Using Waste Materials in Fired Clay Brickmaking" provides valuable insights into ways to reduce environmental impact through recycling industrial and agricultural waste products into useful building materials.

Resource Info

Page count: 6
Size: 780kb
File Type: pdf


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