Building And House Construction Materials: Books and Resources

Showing 1 to 10 of 59 results


Here you will find a simple to use file to help you calculate the amount of concrete you need on a project.

98% match


The purpose of this manual is to outline, in as simple a manner as possible, the details of making and burning clay brick suitable for domestic building. The scope of the manual is confined to "cottage industries"; it does not cover large commercial production such as is known in the United States.

86% match


The main objective of technical memoranda is to provide small-scale producers in developing countries with detailed technical information on small-scale technologies, which have been successfully applied in a number of countries, but are not well known outside the latter.

86% match


This manual combines the experience of four men who used the CINVA-Ram Block Press and figured out answers, bit by bit, to the inevitable problems of-detail as they came up day after day. This was the hard way to learn how to use the press; this handbook is intended to make it easier.

85% match


The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with do the information necessary to make adobe bricks that conform to the specifications of the Uniform Building Code, and thus can be used for building a home or other structure.

85% match


A 1000 to 3000 capacity kiln has been devised by the Building Research Station, to meet the needs of small scale intermittent production of a durable material at village level. The design has been made as simple as possible, eliminating the need for skilled labour in its construction.

85% match


The Shaft Lime Kiln was adopted by the Building Research Station, to meet the needs, where only small quantities of lime are required for building purposes, stabilization of soils and lime washes. This bulletin is directed at a community where the use of lime would be an asset in improving conditions is a District where limestone is readily available.

85% match


The kiln is a rectangular construction with an internal dimension sufficient to stack to a predetermined pattern of a maximum of 3,000 bricks within its walls. Learn more about the Kiln here.

85% match


The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with all the information necessary to make adobe bricks that conform to the specifications of the Uniform Building Code, and thus can be used for building a home or other structure.

85% match


The manual is intended for the first-time producer wishing to produce fired clay bricks on a small scale using the minimum of infrastructure and investment. For example, it is for those individuals, projects, government departments and non government agencies who find themselves in the position of having to produce their own building materials because none are available on the local market. It is also for those who intend to start producing bricks full-time to supply bricks for the local market.

85% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

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Building and House Construction Materials - Bamboo


Bamboo is a versatile and eco-friendly material that has been used for centuries...

Building and House Construction Materials - Brick and Block

Brick And Block

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Building and House Construction Materials - Earth and Adobe

Earth And Adobe

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Building and House Construction Materials - Stone


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Building and House Construction Materials - Thatch


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Building And House Construction Materials

When it comes to rebuilding or constructing a house, choosing the right material is crucial. Not only does it affect the durability of your home but also its overall aesthetic appeal. That's why we've compiled an extensive collection of books and resources on various types of building materials.

Our category includes everything from traditional options like stone, brick, wood, thatch to newer alternatives like bamboo and ferrocement. We have selected these titles keeping in mind their relevance to developing countries as well as those affected by natural disasters.

If you're looking for information on how to rebuild your house after a disaster strikes or want to learn about sustainable rebuilding practices, this category has something for everyone. You'll find detailed guides on firing clay bricks and tiles or using earth adobe techniques along with comprehensive handbooks on wood engineering.

In addition to technical manuals, we also offer insightful reads such as 'The Thatchers Craft' which explores the history behind thatching roofs or 'Earthship Biotectures' which showcases innovative designs using recycled materials. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or simply interested in learning more about construction materials - our selection will not disappoint.