Fire - At Home Safety

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Fire is one of the most common disaster and causes more deaths than any other type of disaster. But fire does not have to be deadly if you take precautions and have an escape plan.

The details..

Fire is a common disaster that causes more deaths than any other type of disaster. Home Fire Safety offers practical advice on how to make your home safer from fires, as well as tips on what to do in case of a fire. The book emphasizes the importance of having smoke detectors installed outside each sleeping area and on every level of your residence.

The author also stresses the need for proper maintenance by testing smoke detectors once a month and replacing batteries at least once a year. In addition, readers are advised to have working fire extinguishers in their kitchens and learn how to use them properly through training provided by local fire departments.

To prevent fires from starting, the book recommends keeping items such as blankets, clothing, curtains, furniture away from portable heaters; avoiding overloading electrical outlets; using safety plugs in electrical outlets especially if you have small children; unplugging heaters when not in use; keeping items away from stoves that could catch fire.

The final section focuses on developing an escape plan with two ways out of every room including windows or doors leading directly outside. Readers will learn how to create floor plans identifying potential exits routes while practicing their escape plan twice yearly with all household members present.

Resource Info

Page count: 2
Size: 12kb
File Type: pdf
Hits: 1


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills
Health and Fitness