Fire Preparedness Books and Resources for Survivalists

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results


We should be serious about the responsibility of planning for and practicing what to do in case of a fire. Be prepared by having various household members do each of the items on the checklist herein.

73% match


Fire is one of the most common disaster and causes more deaths than any other type of disaster. But fire does not have to be deadly if you take precautions and have an escape plan.

72% match


Each year, about 440 people in the United States die inside their home after trying to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher instead of getting out safely and calling the fire department.

70% match


From blinking lights and other decorations to a warm fire in the fireplace, it's easy to see how safety precautions could be forgotten amid the sights and sounds of the holidays. But, by heeding a few important safety tips, we can enjoy the season and celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or New Year's Eve without the fear of fire.

66% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


When it comes to disaster preparedness, few things are as important as knowing how to prevent, contain or escape from fires. Whether you're dealing with a small kitchen fire or a raging wildfire that threatens your home and community, being well-informed can make all the difference in an emergency situation. That's why we've gathered some of the best books and other resources on fire safety and preparedness available today.

Our collection covers everything from basic fire extinguisher use to advanced techniques for protecting your property against wildfires. You'll find guides that teach you how to create a comprehensive evacuation plan tailored to your family's needs, as well as tips for making sure your home is properly equipped with smoke detectors and other essential safety features.

In addition to practical advice on preventing fires before they start, many of these resources also offer guidance on what steps to take during an actual emergency. From first aid tips for burn victims to strategies for safely escaping a burning building or vehicle, these books provide valuable insights into staying calm under pressure when every second counts.

Whether you're new to prepping or have been honing your survival skills for years now, our selection of Fire Preparedness Books has something useful for everyone interested in this crucial topic.