116 Wing Tsun Dummy Techniques

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This guide details 116 Wing Tsun Dummy Techniques in a charming and old fashion manner. With few books written on this form of dummy training, this guide is an informative read and a great aid for any Wing Chun practitioners.

The details..

The History and Philosophy of Wing Chun Kung Fu is an extensive exploration into the ancient Chinese martial art. Authored by Andrew Nerlich, a student of Sifu Rick Spain from WWCKFA, this book traces its roots back to Mesopotamian civilization around 3000 BC where two men are depicted in postures of combat on artifacts that date back to 2000-3000 BC.

It then follows through with Emperor Fus Hsi's proposed system for nationalized medicine which was further developed by Emperors Shun Nung and Huang Ti who sent healers out to care for people as well as developing 'Yellow Emperor's Classic' - still regarded today as a standard text on acupuncture and Oriental healing.

At around this time mention is made about Go-Ti; ritualised wrestling involving horns worn on heads attempting to gore each other which became popular throughout land passed down generations eventually leading towards Sumo wrestling in Japan during Tang Dynasty (610-907 AD). This period also saw birth Lao Tzu (Taoism) Confucius (Confucianism) & Buddha (Buddhism).

In The History & Philosophy Of Wing Chun Kung Fu readers will learn how these philosophies intertwined with development Chinese Martial Arts while exploring different aspects such health benefits along with aggression & defence techniques.

Resource Info

Page count: 151
Size: 13972kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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