Fifty Years A Hunter And Trapper - Woodcock En (1913)

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This book is a collection of real life outdoor stories based on the experiences of the author, Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Writing from memory, Mr. Woodcock tells of incidents that happened during the fifty years (1855–1905) he spent camping, hunting, trapping and fishing in the wilderness of Northern Pennsylvania and several other states.

The details..

'Fifty Years A Hunter And Trapper' is an autobiographical account written by E.N.Woodcock about his life's journey with trap and gun spanning over half-century during the late nineteenth century till early twentieth century. The book provides readers with valuable information on trapping techniques using steel traps, deadfalls or snares that are still relevant today.

The author takes us through some of his earliest hunting experiences to bear trapping incidents in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Cameron County while also providing insights into game preservation efforts at that time. He recounts several close calls he had while out on hunts but not without sharing humorous anecdotes along the way.

In addition to recounting personal experiences such as being lost in woods or setting up camps for extended periods; Mr.Woodcock also offers practical advice for aspiring hunters including tips on how to handle raw furs effectively, building effective traps like spring sets for foxes etc., making this book an excellent resource material for anyone interested in learning more about hunting/trapping practices from yesteryears.

Overall 'Fifty years A Hunter And Trapper' presents itself as both informative and entertaining read that will appeal to those looking for adventure stories set against wilderness backdrop while also offering useful insights into traditional methods of hunting/trapping.

Resource Info

Page count: 328
Size: 18853kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available