Blister Care in the Wilderness

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Blister Care in the Wilderness, details how to prevent and care for blisters in a survival situation. Covering essential information, such as, what a hotspot is, how to prevent them, and treatment of intact or ruptured blisters.

The details..

'Blister Care in Wilderness' is a comprehensive guide for anyone who enjoys outdoor activities. The book focuses on preventing and treating blisters, which are the most common affliction among backpackers. It provides practical tips on how to avoid getting blisters while hiking or camping.

The author explains what causes blisters and offers advice on selecting appropriate footwear that fits well. Readers will learn about different types of socks they should wear to reduce friction between their feet and boots. Additionally, it covers techniques such as applying Vaseline or foot powder before slipping into thin nylon undersocks.

The book also includes detailed instructions on identifying hot spots - sore areas of irritation - before they develop into full-blown blisters. If you do get a blister, there are step-by-step guidelines for treating small or large ruptured ones with molefoam pads, scissors, antiseptics like tincture of benzoin or antibiotic ointments/gels.

Overall,'Blister Care in Wilderness' is an essential resource for hikers,campers,and other outdoor enthusiasts who want to stay healthy during their adventures.It's written by someone with extensive experience dealing with this issue so readers can trust its information.

Resource Info

Page count: 3
Size: 92kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available