Hygiene And Sanitation Resources: Books and Guides for Survivalists, Preppers, and Homesteaders

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results


Following a major disaster, sanitation facilities may not be available if water and sewage lines have been disrupted. Because cleanliness is essential to maintaining good health, it is important to know how to improve emergency sanitation facilities.

79% match


In Guerrilla Hospital, W. Anderson provides practical advice on treating common ailments in austere environments where medical resources are limited.

78% match


Let's just say, you gotta do something about sewage. Not only does it smell bad, but it also attracts insects and spreads diseases. In most third-world countries, dehydration caused by diarrhea is the number one cause of infant death, and it's the second leading cause in most of the rest.

75% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Hygiene And Sanitation

In a survival situation or during a natural disaster, proper hygiene and sanitation practices are crucial to prevent the spread of disease. Whether you're a prepper stocking up on essentials or a homesteader looking to improve your off-grid living skills, our collection of hygiene and sanitation resources can help you stay healthy in any scenario.

Our selection includes books such as Emergency Sanitation by Dr. John Jorgenson which covers everything from building latrines to managing waste disposal safely. You'll also find guides like Sanitation FAQ - How To Deal With Sewage that offer practical advice on how to deal with human waste when traditional plumbing systems fail.

For those planning extended stays in remote locations or setting up base camps during emergencies, Base Camp Hygiene And Health is an excellent resource that provides comprehensive guidance on maintaining clean water sources while preventing the spread of illness through food handling practices.

Whether you're new to survivalism or have been honing your skills for years, prioritizing good hygiene practices is essential for staying healthy in challenging situations. Explore our collection today to discover valuable information that could save lives.