Disease And Infections Resources: Books and More

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results


This subcourse introduces the basic principles of disease transmission and epidemiology--principles which were used by Reed and Gorgas and which are in use today. It also introduces the student to the study of the microbiological agents, which are important from a military and public health viewpoint.

77% match


As we move forward into the future, STIs are becoming a more and more common nuisance on people all over the world. Knowledge is the best weapon in preventing and treating these diseases. This handbook's got the goods on that info!

77% match


Would you know how to treat influenza in an emergency situation? Could you recognize and defeat a fungal or viral infection before it spread to epidemic levels? This comprehensive 630-page medical journal has the info you need to be prepared for such events.

74% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Disease And Infections

In today's world where new diseases emerge every day, it is crucial to stay informed about infectious diseases that can pose a threat to your life. Our Disease And Infections category provides you with an extensive collection of books and other resources that cover topics such as disease prevention, outbreak survival tips, health maintenance during pandemics.

Our book collection includes titles like Treatment Journal Of Infectious Disease which offers insights into the latest treatments available for various infectious diseases. The ABC's Of Sexually Transmitted Infections is another informative read that helps readers understand how to protect themselves from STIs while engaging in sexual activities.

"Prevention is better than cure" - this adage holds true when it comes to infectious diseases too. We offer several books on principles of epidemiology and microbiology which help readers gain knowledge about the causes of different types of infections and ways to prevent them from spreading.

Whether you are a prepper or just someone who wants to be prepared for any situation life throws at you; our Disease And Infection category has something useful for everyone. Browse through our selection now!