Books and Resources for Burns First Aid Treatment and Survival

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results


In considering a burn injury one must recognise it is a curious form of trauma in that every member of the public has at some time or other suffered it to some degree. Yet this type of injury can range from trivial and minor injuries, through to the most massive and complex.

87% match


Let's face it: burns happen. While some situations simply don't allow for complete prevention, as they often occur suddenly, arming yourself with the information you need to properly and safely treat them is very useful knowledge indeed.

77% match


Be sure to read through this well-versed burn first aid document to learn everything you need to know to treat burns when they happen, no matter where you are. This is information everyone should have handy for unforeseen emergencies.

74% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


Burns are one of the most common household injuries that can happen to anyone at any time. Whether it's a minor burn from hot water or a severe burn from fire, knowing how to treat them is crucial. This category provides you with an extensive collection of books and other resources on burns first aid treatment, home remedies for burns, and survival tips.

The Initial Burn Care - An Introduction To The Care Of Burn Victims book is an excellent resource for those who want to learn more about treating different types of burns effectively. It covers everything from identifying the severity of a burn injury to administering proper care in emergency situations.

"For Firefighters: A Guide To Burns First Aid" is another great resource that focuses specifically on providing firefighters with information on how to deal with various types of burn injuries they may encounter while working in hazardous environments.

If you're looking for something more basic but still informative, "The ABC's Of Burns" offers simple yet effective strategies for managing minor burns using everyday items found around your house.