Disinfecting After The Flood

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Flood waters often contain very high levels of bacteria, which is why disinfecting surfaces that have come in contact with flood waters is so important. The Clorox Company offers the following information from its disinfecting experts.

The details..

"Disinfecting After the Flood" is a comprehensive guide by Clorox Company on how to clean up after flood contamination. The book offers detailed instructions on how to disinfect hard surfaces, clothing, toys, play equipment and outdoor furniture that may have been saturated by flood waters. It also includes information on food handling during such situations.

The second part of this book focuses on helping children cope with disasters like floods. Children tend to become anxious when their daily routines are interrupted due to emergencies or disasters. This brochure prepared by FEMA and American Red Cross helps parents understand what they can do to help their children reduce fear in such situations.

It is important for adults to react calmly during an emergency as it gives clues about how children should act. If you seem overcome with a sense of loss or alarm, your child may feel more scared than before. Therefore it's essential that parents present a realistic picture which is both honest and manageable while talking about the situation with their kids.

In conclusion," Disinfecting After the Flood" serves as an excellent resource for anyone looking for practical advice on cleaning up after flooding incidents safely while ensuring personal safety from bacteria caused by contaminated water sources.

Resource Info

Page count: 35
Size: 186kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available