Nuclear Survival Books and Resources - Learn How to Prepare for a Nuclear Disaster

Showing 1 to 10 of 39 results


Clinical effects arising from rapid whole-body doses of immediate gamma radiation or the same amount of radiation acquired in the course of one hour. The human body can stand much more radiation if the radiation is spread out over a longer time.

98% match


With the development of the thermonuclear (fusion) weapons, having energy yields in the range of millions of tons (i.e, megatons) of TNT, a new presentation entitled "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons" was issued in 1957.

98% match


This document is a factual guide of instructions telling what every family needs to know regarding what to do in a nuclear disaster. It includes shelter plans, supplies to buy ahead and how to make the hard decisions.

90% match


The heart of this report is the step-by-step illustrated instructions for making and using a KFM. These instructions have been improved after each successive field test. The majority of the untrained test families, adequately motivated by cash bonuses offered for success and guided only by these written instructions, have succeeded in making and using a KFM.

88% match


This handbook provides the radiogical monitor with the information and techniques normally required to perform essential duties. It also provides guidance that may be required, but should be used, unless competent guidance is unavailable from a radiological defense officer.

85% match


The survival of individuals will depend upon the preparation that each person makes. Any person that is ready to take the right action before and following an attack will increase their chances of survival. This pamphlet describes what you can do before and following a nuclear attack.

85% match


Sorry, no description available.

85% match


Radiation emitted from the fallout created by a nuclear detonation could cause many casualties, prevent carrying out post attack operations, lessen the survivors ability to work and deny access to some areas and facilities for a period of time.

83% match


Before a nuclear attack occurs is the best time to build, test and learn how to use a KFM. However, this instrument is so simple that it could be made even after fallout arrives provided that all the materials and tools needed (see lists given in Sections V, VI, and VII) and a copy of these instructions have been carried into the shelter.

83% match


This very thorough 32 page guide to survival covers what precautions a family can do to prepare for any kind of natural or man-made disaster.

83% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


In today's world, the threat of a nuclear disaster is real. Whether it's from an accident at a power plant or an intentional act of terrorism, being prepared can save your life. That's why we've compiled this collection of books and resources on all aspects of nuclear survival.

Learn how to use radiological instruments like Geiger counters with our selection of guides such as 'How To Use Your Radiological Instruments' and 'Handbook For Radiological Monitors'. Discover how to build your own homemade fallout meter with 'KFM- A Homemade Yet Accurate And Dependable Fallout Meter' or 'Homemade Fallout Meter - KFM Model'.

'Getting Food After A Nuclear War' offers tips on finding food sources in a post-apocalyptic world while 'Life After Doomsday: Survivalist Guide To Major Disaster' covers everything from shelter building to water purification methods. Gain insight into the development of air burst technology with 'Chronological Development Of Air Burst'

Our selection also includes practical tools like civil defense radiation detection survey meters that help you measure radiation levels in your area. With these resources at hand, you'll have the knowledge needed for effective response planning when faced with accidental or intentional exposure.