Hostage Survival Techniques: Books and Resources for Preparedness

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This thesis develops a theory to determine the best execution time to conduct a hostage rescue attempt. It does so by explaining the phenomenon of a hostage crisis biorhythm and proposing four principles essential for success.

81% match

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Book Pages
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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
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In today's world, it is important to be prepared for any kind of emergency or disaster. One such scenario that can occur is being taken as a hostage. Whether you are traveling abroad or staying in your own country, there is always a risk of being kidnapped by terrorists or criminals who seek ransom money.

To increase your chances of surviving a hostage situation, it is crucial to have the right knowledge and skills. This category provides access to many books and other resources related to hostage survival techniques and preparedness. These materials cover topics like how to stay calm under pressure, how to communicate with captors effectively, how to create an escape plan, etc.

One example book available in this category is 'Anatomy of a Hostage Rescue.' Written by experienced professionals from the FBI's Crisis Negotiation Unit (CNU), this book offers insights into real-life cases where hostages were successfully rescued through negotiation tactics. It also includes practical advice on what you should do if you find yourself in such a situation.

'Hostage at the Table' by George Kohlrieser is another recommended read that teaches readers about emotional intelligence during negotiations with captors. The author draws upon his experience as both a psychologist and former international hostage negotiator for the Red Cross when writing this informative guidebook on successful communication strategies during high-stress scenarios.