Chemical Disaster Preparedness Guide: Books and Resources

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results


The purposes of this handbook are threefold: to trace the development of the art and science of chemical warfare from its beginning in the World War to the present time; to present an American text on chemical warfare; and to make available to the public an authentic text in a much misrepresented and misunderstood subject of great importance to our future national security.

86% match


The Chemical Warfare Job Aid has been published to provided a quick reference of the following: chemical agents, Saratoga protective overgarment, M295 decon kit, and the M42 Mask donning procedures.

80% match


Incapacitating agents are designed not to injure or kill but to induce disorientation or temporary effects leading to impaired performance. This PowerPoint document presents detailed information regarding incapacitating agents for riot control.

79% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


In today's world, it is important to be prepared for any kind of disaster or emergency situation. One such scenario is a chemical disaster or attack. The effects of chemicals can be devastating if proper precautions are not taken beforehand. This category provides a comprehensive collection of books and other resources that cover various aspects of chemical disaster preparedness.

The first paragraph covers the basics of what you need to know about chemical disasters - how they occur, their impact on human health, and what steps you should take in order to protect yourself from them. You will find tips on how to recognize the signs of a potential attack or exposure, as well as advice on creating an emergency kit that includes protective gear like gas masks.

The second paragraph delves deeper into specific topics related to chemical warfare protection measures such as decontamination procedures, evacuation plans, sheltering-in-place strategies etc. It also highlights some common misconceptions about these types of attacks so that readers can better understand the risks involved.

Finally, this category features an extensive list of recommended reading materials including titles like 'Chemicals In War' by John Hartmann which explores the history behind the use of chemicals in conflict situations; 'Chemical Warfare - Marine Corps Job Aid' which offers practical guidance for military personnel dealing with hazardous substances; 'Incapacitating Agents For Riot Control', a book providing insights into non-lethal methods used by law enforcement agencies around the world.