Disaster - Farm And Livestock Resources | Books, Guides and More

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A power failure or fuel shortage can cause problems on farms, but being prepared can minimize the seriousness of these problems. This resource discusses the three areas of concern: Poultry and Livestock, Equipment, and Storing Milk and Cream.

82% match


The Texas Emergency Response Team has prepared in advance to prevent and respond to disasters, such as the introduction of a foreign animal disease, a dangerous tick or other pest, or an attack by bioterrorists.

78% match

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Book Pages
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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

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Disaster - Farm and Livestock - Animals


When disaster strikes, it's not just humans who are affected - animals can be im...

Disaster - Farm and Livestock - Power Cut

Power Cut

Power cuts can be a major disruption to daily life, but they can be especially c...

Disaster - Farm And Livestock

When it comes to surviving a disaster on a farm or homestead, protecting your livestock should be one of your top priorities. Whether you're dealing with power outages or natural disasters like hurricanes or wildfires, having a solid plan in place can make all the difference.

That's where our collection of books and other resources come in. We've curated a selection of titles that cover everything from creating an emergency survival plan for your farm to protecting your animals during power failures. With these guides at hand, you'll have the knowledge you need to keep yourself and your livestock safe no matter what happens.

One book we recommend is 'Texas Emergency Response Team - Animals'. This guidebook provides practical advice on preparing for emergencies such as floods, tornadoes, fires etc., including information about evacuation procedures, transportation options available when moving large numbers of animals quickly (e.g., trailers), sheltering-in-place strategies if necessary; medical care considerations post-disaster event(s). Another valuable resource is 'Power Failures On The Farm', which covers topics such as backup generators & fuel storage solutions; alternative energy sources like solar panels & wind turbines; battery backups systems etc.

Don't wait until it's too late - start building up your knowledge today by exploring our selection of disaster preparedness resources for farms and livestock owners. From small-scale homesteads to larger commercial operations, there's something here for everyone who wants peace-of-mind knowing they are well-prepared when things go wrong.