Community Survival Strategies: Books and Resources for Preparedness

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results


This manual provides the capstone doctrine for US Army and US Marine Corps domestic support operations. It also provides general information to civilian authorities at federal, state, and local levels involved in planning for and conducting such operations. It identifies linkages and defines relationships with federal, state, and local organizations and with other services that have roles and responsibilities in domestic support operations.

83% match


The Office of Civilian Defense has prepared a suggested civil defense ordinance and chart of organization made to fit the needs of the average city in the United States. This can be adapted to city, county, or other political subdivisions.

81% match


This manual describes n detail the national search and rescue (SAR) organization and provides consolidated guidance to US federal forces, military and civilian, with civil SAR responsibilities under the National Search and Rescue Plan for planning, coordinating, conducting or otherwise supporting SAR operations.

80% match


Mental health experts say there are tremendous pressures that interfere at the work-site. It can start with the physical location itself, since many businesses have been relocated to other quarters. Here are some suggestions for coping with workplace pressures after a disaster.

74% match

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Book Pages
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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
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Community - Business


In today's unpredictable world, it is crucial for businesses to be prepared for ...

Community - Organizations


In times of crisis or disasters, communities need to come together to ensure the...

Community - Search and Rescue

Search And Rescue

When it comes to emergency situations, being prepared can make all the differenc...


When it comes to surviving in the face of disaster or crisis, having a strong community can make all the difference. That's why it's important to have access to quality resources that can help you build resilience and preparedness among your neighbors. In this category, we've collected some of the best books and other materials available on topics like search-and-rescue operations, business continuity planning, emergency response protocols, and more.

Whether you're an individual prepper looking to connect with others in your area or part of a larger organization responsible for keeping people safe during times of crisis, these resources can provide valuable insights into what works (and what doesn't) when it comes to building resilient communities. From case studies highlighting successful grassroots efforts to practical guides for developing comprehensive disaster plans at the local level, there is something here for everyone interested in making their community safer and more self-sufficient.

Some recommended titles include Workplace - After A Disaster by Michael J. O'Brien which provides guidance on how businesses can recover after disasters; Domestic Support Operations - US Marine Corps which outlines support operations within domestic environments; National Search And Rescue Manual - US Armed Forces which details rescue techniques used by military personnel during emergencies.

No matter where you live or what kind of challenges you may face in the future - from natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes to man-made crises like cyber attacks or civil unrest - being part of a strong community that knows how to work together is key. So take some time today to explore our collection of books about Community Survival Strategies - who knows? You might just find exactly what you need.