Axes And Hatchets: Books and Resources for Survival, Camping, and Emergencies

Showing 1 to 10 of 12 results


This axe manual contains information on how to care for an axe, how to use and axe, felling a tree, and safety precautions when using an axe.

82% match


Any time you get an axe with the handle taped from end to end - you soon get the idea that it's probably well cracked beneath the tape and likely to fracture. Some people like to tape the handle at the head end to protect it but any tape should be removed so that the handle can be checked out. This resource contains information on how to check and repair an axe.

81% match


People familiar with tomahawks and their use often refer to them as "hawks". Similarly, terms like pipe tomahawk have been shortened to pipe-hawk. Tomahawk targets frames are usually called hawk-boards or hawk-blocks. Handles, however, are not as forgiving and should be considered, at least to some extent, expendable items. This is especially true during the learning period.

79% match


This publication provides a brief background on the development of axes, the hanging and sharpening of axes, how to use an ax, and detailed information on certain ax patterns, within the context of working with axes today and from a historical perspective of their use within the USDA Forest Service.

77% match


This publication contains information on how to choose the right axe.

74% match


Here you will find a discussion and comparison of an axe and hatchets. This resource will take you through the selection process, complete with images for better understanding.

74% match


There are few things more attractive to Scouts than the opportunity to use an axe; that is attractive until something goes wrong and, because they have not learned to use an axe properly and how to care for it, someone has has accident and is hurt. This book contains information on the types of axe, choosing an axe, caring for an axe, safety rules when using an axe, and more.

74% match


Here you will find quick instructions on how to make some edge guards.

73% match


This article talks about considerations. when choosing a hatchet, as well as the downside of using a hatchet.

72% match


This second part on hatchets talks about Hults and Nordlund hatchets.

72% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Axes And Hatchets

Axes and hatchets are essential tools for anyone interested in survivalism or homesteading. These versatile tools can be used to chop wood, clear brush, build shelters, start fires, hunt game animals - the list goes on! Whether you're a seasoned outdoorsman or just starting out with your preparedness journey, having a reliable axe or hatchet is crucial.

In this category section of our website we have compiled an extensive collection of resources related to axes and hatchets. We offer links to many books that cover topics such as advanced axe selection techniques; how to choose the best axes and hatchets for camping trips; using these tools in emergency situations; maintaining them properly so they last longer than expected; rebuilding old ones into new ones with modern materials like carbon fiber handles etc.

Some examples from our book collection include 'Hatchets Part 4' which covers different types of edge guards available today along with their pros & cons when it comes down choosing one over another option depending upon your needs at hand. Another popular title is 'The Scout And His Axe' by Thurman John (1963) which provides valuable insights into how scouts use their axes while exploring wilderness areas.

'Axe Manual' offers detailed instructions on everything from sharpening blades correctly all way up through selecting right type based upon intended use case scenarios whether it's chopping logs vs splitting kindling woods etc., whereas 'How To Assess And Fix An Axe' teaches readers about identifying common problems associated with older models before providing step-by-step guidance towards repairing them back good working condition again.