Chemistry Resources for Disaster Preparedness and Rebuilding Society

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results


This book is a simple guide through the complexities of building, operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting distillation equipment.

82% match


How to Assemble Your Chemistry Lab Equipment is an easy-to-read guide that provides the home chemist with all the details he or she needs to build their own simple laboratory.

80% match


Basic Laboratory Procedures in Clinical Bacteriology will provide you with the basics of bacterial work. Readers will get a grounding in the importance of health services and how they can help to reduce communicable diseases.

75% match


This manual provides experiments that will teach advanced chemistry students different facets of the world of chemistry. This advanced organic chemistry manual teaches students how to deal with a wide variety of substances and reactions.

74% match


This detailed list provides chemical names and formulas along with their commercial counterparts and where to find them.

71% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


Chemistry plays an important role in disaster preparedness and rebuilding society after a catastrophe. Understanding chemical reactions is crucial when dealing with hazardous materials that may be present during or after a disaster. Moreover, knowledge of basic laboratory procedures is essential when setting up your own chemistry lab equipment for research purposes.

This category offers a variety of resources related to chemistry, including books on clinical bacteriology, distillation operation manuals, commercial equivalents for chemicals lists, and advanced organic chemistry guides. These resources provide valuable information about the properties of different substances as well as their potential uses in various situations.

Whether you are a prepper looking to enhance your survival skills or an aspiring chemist interested in learning more about the field, this category has something for everyone. You will find practical tips on assembling your own lab equipment along with detailed instructions on conducting experiments safely.

In summary, this collection of books and other resources provides an excellent starting point for those interested in exploring the fascinating world of chemistry. By studying these materials carefully, you can gain valuable insights into chemical reactions that could prove useful both during times of crisis and when working towards rebuilding society.