Ojibway and Cree Arts and Crafts: A Guide to Tribal Clothing

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At a glance..

Ojibway and Cree Arts and Crafts: A Guide to Tribal Clothing covers the basic clothing and bags that would be most useful to a survivalist. Reading more about these items will enhance your ability to survive in harsh conditions.

The details..

'Central Cree and Ojibway Crafts' is an insightful guide to understanding the cultural significance behind the traditional accessories worn by these indigenous communities during important ceremonies. The book focuses on four key items - bandoliers, roach head-dresses, fire bags without straps - that were highly valued as status symbols among these tribes.

The author delves into how each accessory was constructed using materials such as moose or porcupine hair combined with soft deer-tail hair dyed in brilliant reds. For instance, it describes how roach head-dresses were made using bow looms while bandoliers had heavily beaded geometric designs originally created by prehistoric Ojibways which later evolved to include floral patterns introduced by Europeans.

These ceremonial accessories played an integral role in various events like feasts, dances or battles where they would be showcased prominently. In fact some pouches became so valuable that one could trade them for a pony! This book offers historical insights into how British soldiers influenced the adoption of bullet pouches which eventually led to the creation of unique tribal versions like those seen here.

Resource Info

Page count: 29
Size: 4903kb
File Type: pdf


Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Finances Available