All About Cockroaches: 'How To' Prevention

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This guide will teach you all about cockroaches, including how their numbers are dramatically increasing across the U.S. Arm yourself with knowledge and understand proper control and prevention methods.

The details..

The book begins by explaining that while people usually associate cockroaches with subtropical or temperate regions of the United States, they are becoming increasingly common in Alaskan homes. The authors describe the three stages of a cockroach's life: egg, nymph, and adult. They also note that most transport occurs during the egg stage when females attach an egg case containing 12 or more eggs to objects like luggage or household goods.

The German cockroach is the species most likely to be found in Alaskan homes due to its preference for warm areas where food and moisture exist such as kitchens and bathrooms. Prevention measures include checking items coming into your home from known or suspected sources of infestation (e.g., used furniture), eliminating hiding places by sealing cracks around plumbing fixtures along baseboards/ceiling moldings using caulk/gap filler material; removing access points for food storage containers with tight-fitting lids.

Chemical control may be necessary if preventive measures fail. Insecticides registered against roaches come in various forms including ready-to-use sprays/dusts/aerosols/foggers/insect growth regulators/baits/wettable powders/emulsifiable concentrates which should be applied directly onto surfaces where roaches hide/travel at night but not near exposed foods/prepared meals/pets/kids/toys etcetera because these products can pose health risks if misused.

Lastly,the authors suggest homeowners use traps alongside other pest management strategies since they don't contain toxic insecticides yet effectively reduce resident populations without harming non-target organisms/environmental quality.Traps work best when placed close walls/pathways between hiding/feeding areas.If you're unable to solve your problem through DIY efforts,you might need professional help.Before signing any contract,determine what control measures will be used,reapplication frequency,cost,and guarantee provided.Compare all available options before making a final decision.

Resource Info

Page count: 2
Size: 271kb
File Type: pdf


Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Survival Skills
Defensive Skills