Internal Combustion Engine Books: Learn the Basics, Rebuild and Improve Energy Efficiency

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results


GST stands for Gas Saving Techniques. It refers to a whole group of technologies and methods which I find valid and seriously workable to save gasoline and reduce emissions. In this book you will learn to push the envelope of gas economy as a sidekick, or in other words a complimentary knowledge to Water4Gas technology.

80% match


This invention relates to a device for obtaining an intimate contact between a liquid in a vaporous state and a gas, and particularly to such device which may serve as a carburettor for internal combustion engines.

74% match


The instructional material is developed by the Thai-German Teaching Aid Center in cooperation with the Technical College Nongkai. The information, specially about maintenance and repair is based mainly on the Honda engines G 150 - G 200 and GX 120 - GX 160.

74% match


It’s very simple. You want to know what this so called SuperFuel additive is that is available anywhere at a store near you. That Super Fuel Additive is Acetone. Learn more here.

71% match

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Survival Skills
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Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Finances Available

Internal Combustion Engine

If you're interested in learning more about internal combustion engines or looking to improve your skills in rebuilding them, then this category is for you! We have compiled an extensive list of books that cover everything from the basics to advanced techniques.

Whether you're a homesteader with limited access to professional mechanics or just someone who wants to be self-sufficient when it comes to their vehicle maintenance, these resources will provide valuable insights into how these engines work.

In addition to learning about the inner workings of an internal combustion engine, our selection also includes titles focused on improving energy efficiency. With concerns over climate change and rising fuel costs, understanding how to make your engine run cleaner and use less fuel is becoming increasingly important.

Some standout titles include Carburettors by John Passini which provides an in-depth look at this crucial component of any gasoline-powered engine. Small Engine Repair by Paul Dempsey covers all aspects of maintaining small engines commonly found in lawnmowers and other outdoor equipment. Superfuel by Richard Martin explores alternative fuels that could revolutionize transportation while Gas Saving Techniques by Roger Huntington offers practical tips for getting better mileage out of your car.