Plumbing Resources: Books and Guides for Beginners and Experts

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results


Add a radiator to your central-heating system to provide extra heat. A radiator can be teed into any part of the central-heating flow-and-return pipes, but it is important that adding a radiator doesn't rob existing radiators of their share of the boiler output.

87% match


Changing your bath and washbasin gives you the ideal opportunity to re-style your whole bathroom. This book helps you plan your new installation thoroughly.

86% match


This manual gives information about fitting a toilet and bidet, from removing the old WC, to fitting a new close-coupled WC and fitting supply pipes and waste pipes.

86% match


This booklet addresses toilet bowl breakdowns and what you may be able to do about them. Before you buy any tools or materials, read this booklet first. By doing so, you may be able to save money and hours of time.

82% match


Basic plumbing repair needn't be a daunting task, all you need to get started are a few essential tools, a working knowledge of your system and an ability to identify problems. If you can undertake the basic work yourself, you save money and the inconvenience of waiting for a plumber.

80% match


Plastic pipe is a do-it-yourselfer's dream product. It's lightweight. It's easy to assemble with basic tools. It will last 100 years and probably more without replacement. It won't rust and corrode. And it is fairly inexpensive to buy compared with its copper and galvanized steel pipe cousins.

71% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


Whether you're building your own home or looking to improve your DIY skills, understanding the basics of plumbing is essential. From installing toilets to fitting wash basins, there are many aspects of plumbing that require careful attention and expertise.

Our collection of books on plumbing covers everything from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. With detailed instructions and helpful illustrations, these resources can help you learn new skills or refine existing ones.

If you're just starting out in the world of plumbing, we recommend beginning with titles like 'Basic Plumbing' or 'Plan A Bathroom.' These guides offer step-by-step guidance on common tasks like adding a radiator or fitting a bath.

'Plastic Pipe' is another great resource for those interested in learning about modern materials used in plumbing projects. For those looking for more advanced topics such as rebuilding old pipes or upgrading an entire system within their house construction project - we have plenty available too! No matter what level you're at when it comes to this trade skillset - our comprehensive selection has something for everyone.