Nuclear Shelter Preparedness Guide: Books and Resources

Showing 1 to 10 of 31 results


This family shelter is intended for persons who prefer an aboveground shelter or, for some reason such as a high water table, cannot have a belowground shelter. In general, belowground shelter is superior and more economical than an aboveground shelter.

88% match


This compact basement shelter will provide low-cost protection from the effects of radioactive fallout. Its purpose is to provide adequate protection for the minimum cost in an existing basement. In addition to the low cost, materials should be readily available, and the labor time will be short.

88% match


This shelter is designed to provide protection from the effects of radioactive fallout in the below grade basement of an existing house. Its advantages are low cost, simplicity of construction, general availability of materials, and the fact that it may be easily disassembled.

87% match


Protection is provided in a basement corner by bricks or concrete blocks between the overhead joists. A beam and jack column support the extra weight. This shelter can be permanently installed in the basement of your home and will not interfere with its utility in any way.

87% match


Here you will find plans for cast concrete construction of a storage and fallout shelter.

87% match


This Blast and Fallout Shelter design from the University of Maryland can fir six people.

86% match


This booklet is a brief guide to three basic kinds of nuclear shelter: simple shelters for short-term indoor or out-door use which can be built from materials already at hand; shelters that can be assembled from do-it-yourself kits; permanent custom-built shelters built into the ground and requiring professional help in design and construction.

86% match


Without protection, untold numbers of Americans would die needlessly in the event of a nuclear attack. The expedient shelters illustrated in the following pages provide protection to occupant from the deadly radiation of radioactive fallout generated by a nuclear detonation -- their use can save the lives of millions of Americans.

86% match


This family blast shelter can be placed in the yard and will provide protection against thermal effects, fallout radiation, and blast effects from a nuclear weapon. It is designed to accommodate six adults. This shelter will also provide excellent protection against tornadoes.

86% match


This compact basement shelter will provide low-cost protection from the effects of radioactive fallout. Its purpose is to provide adequate protection for the minimum cost in an existing basement. In addition to the low cost, materials should be readily available, and the labor time will be short.

86% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


In today's world, the threat of a nuclear disaster is very real. Whether it's from an accident at a power plant or an attack by a hostile nation, being prepared can mean the difference between life and death. That's why we've put together this collection of books and resources to help you build your own nuclear shelter and survive in case of emergency.

Our selection includes guides on how to build concrete block shelters in your basement or lean-to shelters above ground. We also have information on how to protect yourself from fallout radiation inside your home using materials like sandbags or plastic sheeting.

But surviving a nuclear disaster isn't just about having a place to hide - it's also about knowing what steps to take before, during, and after the event. Our resources cover topics such as identifying warning signs of an impending attack or meltdown, creating emergency plans for you and your family members, stocking up on supplies like food/water/medicines that will last long-term without refrigeration etc., treating injuries caused by radiation exposure if necessary.

Don't wait until it's too late - start preparing now! Browse through our selection of books on domestic nuclear shelters including expedient fallout shelter plans designed specifically for six people along with blast & fallout shelter options available for homes.