General Preparedness Books and Resources - Handbooks, Plans, Risks & Hazards

Showing 1 to 10 of 26 results


This is the Homeland Security emergency preparedness guide issued to help prepare its readers for terrorist attacks and other emergencies. This guide will show you how you can get ready now.

91% match


This course is for any professional in emergency management or anyone who is looking for a career in the profession. You could be asked to respond to questions about hazards that you may not normally encounter and about national level activities outside your community. People expect that capability of professionals.

90% match


If you're unprepared, disasters can quickly turn to tragedies for you and your loved ones. This disaster preparedness guide was written to help people like you by showing you how to deal with emergencies responsibly.

89% match


This book was designed for program organizers -- emergency managers, leaders of citizen groups and voluntary agencies, individual volunteers and other who promote disaster preparedness. You will find ideas, materials and "how to" steps for a variety of outreach activities -- some simple for the first-tome organizer, and some complex for those able to spend the time to develop multi-faceted outreach efforts.

87% match


This guide provides preparedness strategies that improve resilience and foster greater coping skills in a disaster event. Incorporating this information into disaster readiness campaigns and programs will help minimize fear and improve emotional well-being in the face of terrorism or catastrophic disasters.

87% match


This book is a compilation of his articles written in a gun magazine in the 70's, so some of the information is dated. However, this book is still en excellent introduction to preparedness, and some of his ideas still echo down into today's preparedness books. An excellent beginner's first book for their preparedness library.

86% match


This guide shows the importance of citizen preparedness. It is considered as one of the authorities when it comes to providing information and tips on hazard awareness and emergency education information.

86% match


This is a complete guide on how you can ensure your family's emergency preparedness and response. You'll know how to prepare for emergencies and how to respond to them to ensure your family's safety.

85% match


This manual outlines the procedures to be implemented in the event of catastrophic occurrences.

85% match


When a disaster occurs, you need to know how to protect yourself and your family. Being aware of the kinds of hazards that could threaten your community -- and knowing what to do about them -- can mean the difference between life and death. This booklet can help.

85% match

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Book Pages
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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

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General Preparedness - Handbooks


In today's unpredictable world, being prepared for emergencies is more important...

General Preparedness - Plans


In today's world, it is essential to be well-prepared for any kind of emergency ...

General Preparedness - Threat Assessement and Risks

Threat Assessement And Risks

In today's world, it's important to be prepared for any potential threats that m...

General Preparedness

In today's uncertain world, being prepared for any emergency is more important than ever before. Whether you live in an area prone to natural disasters or simply want to be ready for anything that comes your way, having a solid plan in place can make all the difference. That's where our General Preparedness category comes in! Here you'll find links to some of the best books and other resources available on topics like handbooks, plans, threat assessment and risks.

One great resource we recommend checking out is 'Risks & Hazards - A State By State Guide.' This comprehensive book covers everything from earthquakes to tornadoes to wildfires and beyond. With detailed information on each state's unique hazards as well as tips for staying safe during emergencies of all kinds, this guide is a must-have for anyone serious about preparing themselves and their families.

'Emergency Preparedness Manual' is another excellent resource worth considering. Written by experts in the field of emergency management, this manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a personalized emergency plan tailored specifically to your needs. From stocking up on essential supplies to creating evacuation routes and communication strategies with loved ones during times of crisis - this book has got it all covered!

'Preparing For Disaster' rounds out our top picks list with its practical advice on how ordinary people can prepare themselves mentally and physically for unexpected events such as pandemics or terrorist attacks. The author draws upon his own experiences working with various government agencies involved in disaster response efforts around the world - making it an invaluable read if you're looking for tried-and-true advice from someone who knows what they're talking about.