Tornados: Books and Resources for Preparedness and Safety

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results


This report discusses the dynamics of tornadoes and how you can keep yourself, your family and your family and your property safe and secure.

87% match


With winds swirling at 200 miles an hour or more, a tornado can destroy just about anything in its path. Generally, there are weather signs and warnings that will alert you when you take precautions. Be prepared by having various family members do the activities on the checklist here.

82% match


When a tornado is coming, you have very little time to make life-or-death decisions. Advance planning and quick response are the keys to surviving a tornado.

81% match


This preparedness guide explains thunderstorms and related hazards and suggests life-saving actions you can take. With this information, you can recognize severe weather, develop a plan, and be ready to act when threatening weather approaches.

81% match


You don't have to be blown away when nature lets loose. It's never too early to prepare and you can take several basic steps right now to protect your home from disaster.

77% match


Tornadoes can strike anywhere at any time. We should all prepare for the possibility of a tornado by learning the safest places to seek shelter. This applies to more than just homes. Every school should have a plan as well. Here are some guidelines for helping your school prepare for severe weather.

77% match


Know what to listen for, what to look for, and what you can do to be prepared in case a tornado strikes.

70% match

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Book Pages
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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


Tornados are one of the most destructive natural disasters that can strike anywhere in the world. They can cause severe damage to homes, businesses, infrastructure, and even take lives. Being prepared for a tornado is crucial to ensure your safety and survival. This category provides links to many books and other resources about tornados that will help you learn more about them as well as provide you with practical advice on how to prepare for them.

One of the best ways to be prepared for a tornado is by having an emergency kit ready at all times. This kit should include items such as food, water, first aid supplies, flashlights with extra batteries or crank power sources if possible; blankets or sleeping bags; personal hygiene items like toilet paper or wipes; cash in small denominations (ATMs may not work after a disaster); important documents copies (insurance policies etc.) stored securely offsite but accessible remotely via cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Another essential aspect of tornado preparation is knowing what actions you need to take when one strikes. The American Red Cross - Are You Ready - Tornado book provides valuable information on this topic including creating an evacuation plan ahead of time which includes identifying safe locations within your home where there are no windows or doors facing outside walls (such as bathrooms), understanding warning signals from local authorities so you know when it's time evacuate immediately vs shelter-in-place until further notice arrives from officials who have better situational awareness than civilians do based solely upon radar data feeds alone without additional ground truthing input provided by trained spotters out in the field observing conditions firsthand.

In conclusion, being informed about tornados through reading relevant literature such as IBHS Tornadoes Brochure & Fact Sheet - Tornadoes along with Thunderstorms Lightning Tornados helps increase awareness levels among individuals living in areas prone to these types of events while also providing actionable steps they can take before during & after any event occurs thereby reducing potential loss life property damage economic disruption overall societal impact resulting from said catastrophic weather phenomena.