Flood Preparedness: Books and Resources for Surviving Natural Disasters

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results


This page will help you gain a better understanding on how floods can damage your property and how products can help you in the event of a flood in your area.

93% match


Are you ready for a flood or a flash flood? Here's what you can do to prepare for such emergencies.

81% match


This is a brief but concise guide that will show you that preparation for a flood should be done right now. You'll know what to expect in the case of a flood and what you need to do to survive.

79% match


Floods happen, and they happen beside rivers, on the coast, in deserts and in city streets. It's never too early to prepare and you can take several basic steps right now to protect your family and your home from disaster.

78% match


Do you need flood and hurricane insurance? This publication should answer this question and give you information being prepared in case of flood and hurricane damage.

77% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


When it comes to natural disasters, floods are among the most destructive and deadly events that can occur. Whether caused by heavy rains or overflowing rivers, floods can quickly devastate entire communities. That's why it's essential to be prepared with the right knowledge and resources before disaster strikes.

In this category, we've compiled some of the best books and other materials available on flood preparedness. You'll find everything from general survival guides to more specific advice on preventing flooding around your home. By reading these resources now, you'll be better equipped to handle any emergency situation in the future.

One excellent resource is "Hurricane and Flood Safe," which provides practical tips for staying safe during major storms. Another helpful guide is "Actions To Prevent Flooding Around The House," which offers step-by-step instructions for safeguarding your property against water damage.

"American Red Cross - Are You Ready - Flood" is another valuable tool that covers all aspects of flood preparation

re looking for a comprehensive overview of flood safety measures, check out IBHS

Preparation For A Flood: What To Expect And What To Do To Be Prepared" will also provide insight into what happens when a flood occurs so that you know what steps need taking.