Workshop Resources: Books and Guides for Self Defense, Home Defense, and Personal Protection

Showing 1 to 10 of 77 results


For both amateur and professional gunsmiths, this is a manual of instruction in the manufacture, alteration and repair of firearms in-so-far as the necessary metal work with hand and machine tools is concerned, with chapters on the boring, rifling and chambering of barrels.

94% match


One of the major operations on guns is barrel replacement. The purpose is to give you the basic information on barrel fitting and how to make most of the equipment and tools needed in most shops.

94% match


This book will give you the general idea and information on building the simple guns. With the blueprints you will be able to turn out a working model.

94% match


The purpose is to give you the basic information on casting metal parts, including making an oven and furnace.

94% match


This book will give you information on how to make rifling buttons to rifle barrels, tool making, and more about gunsmithing.

94% match


The main idea in writing this book is to give the readers an idea how shotgun barrels are made. If the reader follows the instructions, a first class barrel can be made that will compete with the best.

94% match


The purpose of this publication is to give you the basic information on making a modern rifle barrel.

94% match


This book is for beginners as well as experienced craftsmen, who need to find information to make duplicate parts or objects for selling at the maximum price.

94% match


Do you feel the need to protect yourself in the event of an attack? Live in a country where stun–guns and most other weapons are banned? Then this page might be for you. It discusses the construction of an electronic shocking device called a stun–gun, a nonlethal defense device according to the companies that make them.

94% match


Find out how to easily construct a stun gun with readily available components using this detailed guide. You don't have to be an electronic hobbyist to build this circuit if you're patient and willing to learn. This is the most comprehensive and easy to follow of all our stungun plans, make sure you get your copy.

94% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available

Or dive deeper

Weaponry - Workshop - Ammunition


Whether you're an experienced shooter or just starting out in the world of firea...

Weaponry - Workshop - Baton and Stick

Baton And Stick

If you're interested in learning more about baton and stick self-defense, you've...

Weaponry - Workshop - Bows and Crossbows

Bows And Crossbows

For those interested in mastering the art of archery or looking to improve their...

Weaponry - Workshop - Electronic


In today's world where technology is ubiquitous, it's important to be prepared w...

Weaponry - Workshop - Firearms - Accessories


When it comes to survival, having the right tools can make all the difference. T...

Weaponry - Workshop - Firearms - Cabinets


Cabinets are an essential part of any workshop or home defense setup. They provi...

Weaponry - Workshop - Gunsmithing


Welcome to our Gunsmithing Workshop category! Here you will find an extensive co...

Weaponry - Workshop - Stunguns


Welcome to our category dedicated to all things stunguns! Here you'll find an ex...

Weaponry - Workshop - Tear Gas

Tear Gas

In today's world, it is important to be prepared for any situation that may aris...


Our Workshop Resources category offers a wealth of information for those interested in self-defense and home protection. Whether you're a prepper or simply looking to improve your skills at personal defense, we have the books and guides you need to get started.

In this category you'll find resources on everything from tear gas to cabinets to gunsmithing. Want to learn how to make blow darts? We've got you covered. Need plans for building a gun cabinet? Look no further. Interested in electronic stun guns or improvised capsicum teargas? You'll find it all here.

One standout resource is Harold Hoffman's Unlock-Improvised Crossbows - an action book published guide that teaches readers how to create their own crossbow using common materials found around the house. Other popular titles include Firearms Identification by George C Nonte Jr., which provides detailed information on identifying firearms based on markings; The Comprehensive Stun Gun Building Guide by Rob Kravitz; How To Build A Konga Stick by David Harber; Sonic Nausea Generator by Michael Callahan;

Whether you're just starting out with self-defense or are an experienced survivalist looking for new techniques and ideas, our Workshop Resources category has something for everyone. Explore our selection today and take the first step towards becoming better prepared.