Tactics (2001)

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This field manual focuses on the organization of forces, minimum essential control measures, and general planning, preparation, and execution considerations for each type and form of combat operation. It is the common reference for all students of the tactical art, both in the field and the Army school system.

The details..

FM3-90 is a comprehensive field manual published by the United States Department of the Army. This manual covers all aspects of tactical warfare including offensive and defensive operations as well as other topics such as troop movements, security operations, reconnaissance missions, relief in place procedures and passage of lines.

The FM 3-90 contains information on various control measures used during different types of military engagements such as hasty versus deliberate attacks or area defenses versus mobile defense. In addition to these control measures it also includes principles which guide tactical decision making like factors related to mission variables (METT-TC) or elements that make up operational design.

This book also provides historical examples which illustrate how certain concepts are applied in real world scenarios allowing readers to better understand their significance within a larger context. Furthermore this publication offers detailed instructions on how to plan for each type operation discussed ensuring commanders have all necessary information at hand when making decisions.

In addition FM 3-90 discusses techniques related to air assault/airborne maneuvers along with encirclement tactics used by both attackers and defenders alike. There are even sections dedicated exclusively towards rear area protection covering topics such convoy security or base cluster defense.

Overall this book serves an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning about modern day battlefield tactics providing them with both theoretical knowledge but practical advice regarding implementation into actual combat situations.

Resource Info

Page count: 627
Size: 5087kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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