Guide And Plans For Building An Underground Fallout Shelter

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

An underground fallout shelter can help protect you and your family against a radioactive attack. This guide will teach you how to build an underground fallout shelter that can also be used for other purposes.

The details..

'Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-8' is a comprehensive guide for those interested in constructing an underground shelter. The book focuses on the construction of clay masonry shelters, which are designed to provide protection from the effects of radioactive fallout and limited blast overpressures. This type of shelter is located belowground outside a house but is reached from the basement, making it flexible in shape and design to conform with new constructions or existing houses.

The technical summary section highlights some key features of this particular design. It has over 70 square feet of area and 420 cubic feet of space, providing occupancy for up to six people. Structural clay masonry units, brick, and structural tile are readily available materials used in concrete-block plants and lumberyards at reasonable costs.

The protection factor for this type of shelter exceeds one thousand against fallout radiation exposure while having a structural resistance capacity equivalent to five pounds per square inch (psi) overpressure during blasts. Ventilation equipment such as hand-operated blowers should be specified when furnishing air through separate vent pipes; otherwise, occupants may experience suffocation due to lack of oxygen supply.

Overall 'Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-8' offers valuable information regarding building your own underground survival bunker using cost-effective methods without needing additional trades or crafts not already present within normal house construction projects.

Resource Info

Page count: 4
Size: 1876kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills