Tear Gas Defense Resources: Books and Techniques for Protection

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results


There still aren't enough gas masks available to outfit all of our civilian population, and with military demands at a peak, no early production on a basis of a mask for every civilian can be hoped for. Rather than go without any protection at all, the alert citizen can make gas masks for himself and his family.

91% match


Learn how to make your own non-lethal weapon for self-defense and crowd control using natural chili pepper extract.

91% match


This book describes a method for creating an essential oil extract of capsicum that contains natural capsaicinoid to terpene ratios. The extract can be used in culinary, medicinal, and repellent formulations.

89% match

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Tear Gas

In today's world, it is important to be prepared for any situation that may arise. Tear gas is a commonly used tool by law enforcement agencies around the world. It can cause temporary blindness, respiratory distress, and intense pain. As such, it is essential to know how to protect yourself from its effects.

This category contains links to many books and other resources about tear gas defense techniques, safety measures, and protection. You will find information on improvised capsicum teargas as well as capsaicin-based solutions that provide relief from the symptoms caused by exposure.

One book you might want to consider reading is 'How To Make An Emergency Gas Mask.' This book provides step-by-step instructions on creating an emergency mask using household items like plastic bags or coffee filters. Another resource available here includes workshops where you can learn more about tear gas defense strategies firsthand.

Overall this category offers valuable insights into staying safe during times of unrest or conflict when there may be increased use of chemical agents like tear gas.