Special Forces Medical Handbook-pt3

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This book is designed to serve as a ready reference and review for Special Forces medics. It covers diseases and medical problems that SF medics may encounter in various areas of the world.

The details..

The US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook provides an in-depth look at various medical procedures and treatments that may be necessary in emergency situations. Written by the Department of the Army, this handbook covers everything from basic IV therapy to advanced surgical techniques. It is designed not only for military medics but also for civilians who want to learn how to provide first aid or handle emergency situations when professional help is not available.

One of the most valuable sections of this book is Chapter 18 on IV Therapy which explains different types of solutions used in intravenous treatment along with their composition. The chapter also outlines common problems faced during daily maintenance requirements such as fluid requirement for infants according to body weight, replacement fluids after NG tube removal or diarrhea loss etc. Another important section covered here includes burns - fluid therapy where Brooke Formula has been explained elaborately.

Chapter19 focuses on Dental Emergencies and Treatment providing detailed information about toothaches caused due caries (decay), fractures or acute periapical abscesses among other things. This section provides diagnosis methods like thermal tests using ethyl chloride spray applicators along with diagnostic test procedure steps.

Overall, The US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook serves as a great resource material containing practical knowledge essential during life-threatening circumstances where immediate action can make all the difference between life and death.

Resource Info

Page count: 123
Size: 5948kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available