Medical Handbooks for Survival: Essential Resources for Emergency Health Care

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This customized book fills recent requests for a reliable information source following the recent terrorist attacks . The reference includes nearly 2,000 pages of the most current information on Trauma, Terrorism, and Biochemical and Radiologic Warfare.

98% match


The combat lifesaver is a non-medical soldier who provides lifesaving measures as a secondary mission as his primary (combat) mission allows. Each lesson in this course presents information needed to successfully perform the medical tasks which a combat lifesaver must know.

85% match


Performing a surgical operation must be one of the most complex motor tasks undertaken by humans. To the student rotating on a third-year clerkship, or to the resident beginning a surgical career, the complexity can no doubt be daunting. It is the goal of this handbook to try to bring some degree of order to the complexity, focusing on many of the common operations in general, plastic, thoracic, and vascular surgery, and in organ transplantation.

85% match


This book contains essential current surgical protocols and management strategies. It includes reviews of current surgical techniques. It is an excellent handbook for students, residents, and practicing surgeons.

85% match


This book is designed to serve as a ready reference and review for Special Forces medics. It covers diseases and medical problems that SF medics may encounter in various areas of the world.

83% match


This book is designed to serve as a ready reference and review for Special Forces medics. It covers diseases and medical problems that SF medics may encounter in various areas of the world.

83% match


This subcourse presents the basic concepts and knowledge required for administering medication through injections. Topics include choosing and assembling the correct needles and syringes, the three methods of injections, recording, and followup patient care.

83% match


The medical soldier caring for patients provides a valuable service to his comrades. He must meet high standards with integrity, dignity, calm thinking, and careful study. The purpose of this subcourse is to provide you with a working knowledge of the procedures discussed herein; however, you must receive guidance and hands-on supervision to become proficient at the procedures described.

83% match


Vital (life) signs are very important. They tell you and other medical personnel about the patient's present condition. Be maintaining a record of a patient's vital signs, the effectiveness of the medical treatment that the patient receives can be evaluated. This subcourse provides you with information you need in order to take a person's vital signs.

83% match


The US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook is a comprehensive guide designed to serve as a ready reference and review for SF medics. It covers diseases and medical problems that they may encounter in various areas of the world.

82% match

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Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Medical Handbooks

When it comes to survival situations or emergency health care needs, having access to reliable medical information is crucial. Medical handbooks are an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn how to provide basic first aid, treat injuries or illnesses in the field, and improve their overall health and well-being. Whether you're a prepper looking to stock up on essential resources or a homesteader seeking ways to stay healthy off-grid, there's no shortage of valuable information available.

One of the most popular medical handbooks among survivalists is the US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook. This comprehensive guide covers everything from anatomy and physiology basics to advanced surgical techniques. It also includes detailed instructions on how to handle various types of trauma injuries such as gunshot wounds or burns. Another great resource is Wilderness Medicine by Paul S Auerbach - this book provides practical advice on how to deal with common wilderness ailments like hypothermia, dehydration or snake bites.

For those interested in emergency medicine specifically designed for civilians rather than military personnel may find Family Guide Emergency Health Care helpful. The book offers step-by-step guidance on administering first aid at home during natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes when professional help may be unavailable. Additionally Combat Lifesaver Course: Medical Tasks manual teaches life-saving skills intended for non-medical military personnel but can be useful knowledge outside of combat zones too.

Whether you're preparing your family for disaster scenarios or simply want a better understanding of basic healthcare principles Guerrilla Hospital - Quality Of Care handbook will give insight into providing quality care even under difficult circumstances where supplies might be limited; Administer Intramuscular Subcutaneous And Intradermal Injections gives clear instructions about injecting medication safely without any complications.