Astronomy Resources for Survival and Rebuilding Society

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The aim of this book is to present the great subject of astronomy so that it can be easily comprehended even by a person who has not had extensive scientific training.

80% match


The purpose of the constellation tracings and the descriptive material here given, is to serve as a guide in taking the first steps in learning the stars and constellations and also to point the way to the acquisition of further information on the part of those who desire it. The method here followed and the material presented is essentially the same as that used in the course on Descriptive Astronomy in Williams College.

77% match


Did you know that you can see a galaxy 2.5 million light years away with your unaided eye? Or that you can see craters on the Moon with ordinary binoculars? These and countless other wonders await your gaze every clear night. This book on getting started with Astronomy will serve as your guide to exploring the Universe.

71% match

File Types
Book Pages
File Size
Skill Suitability
Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available


In times of crisis, having knowledge about the stars can be crucial in surviving disaster situations. Astronomy is not just a hobby or pastime but an essential skill that can aid us in rebuilding society after any catastrophe. Our website offers a wide range of books and other resources on astronomy that are perfect for preppers, homesteaders, hunters, DIYers, and anyone interested in science-based survival techniques.

Our collection includes classic titles such as How To Identify The Stars by Milham Willis (1909) which provides practical tips on identifying constellations using only your eyesight. Another popular book is Getting Started In Astronomy (Northern Hemisphere)(2003), which covers everything from telescopes to star charts to make stargazing accessible even if you're new to the field.

"An Introduction To Astronomy" by Moulton Forest Ray (1916) is another must-read title that delves into the basics of celestial mechanics with clear explanations and diagrams. This book also explores how astronomers have contributed to our understanding of timekeeping systems throughout history - knowledge that could prove invaluable during emergencies when traditional methods may no longer be available.

Whether you're looking for inspiration or practical advice on how astronomy can help with disaster preparedness or rebuilding society after crises like pandemics or natural disasters; we've got something here at our site! So why wait? Start exploring today!