Pottery Books and Resources for Beginners and Experts

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This book about how to construct and tire kilns addresses trainees and practising potters in developing countries. It intends to assist potters to become more self-reliant by providing advice on the optimum use of locally available raw materials and by explaining techniques which will help potters to increase their production and their income.

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Whether you're an aspiring potter or a seasoned expert, our collection of pottery books and resources has everything you need to hone your skills. From the basics of hand-building to advanced throwing techniques on the wheel, we've got you covered.

Our selection includes titles like 'The Self Reliant Potter' by Andrew Holden which teaches readers how to build their own kiln from scratch using easily accessible materials. We also have 'Refractories And Kilns' by Gilbert S. Daniels which covers all aspects of designing and building refractory structures that can withstand high temperatures.

'Pottery Wheel Basics' is another great resource for those just starting out with throwing on the wheel. This book provides step-by-step instructions on how to center clay, shape it into various forms such as bowls or vases, trim excess material off edges before firing them in a kiln at specific temperatures depending upon desired results!

In addition to these titles mentioned above there are many other helpful guides available in this category including ones focused specifically towards home crafts enthusiasts who want learn about creating unique pieces without access expensive equipment.